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Andrea is a phenomenal teacher

Andrea’s workshops are informative and fun. As a former Reiki student, I can say that not only is Andrea is a phenomenal teacher, she is kind and patient. And her passion knows no bounds. I will recommend her services to everyone who needs a trustworthy and supportive healer and teacher.

Maraya S.,

Andrea Brock Healing

Maraya S.,

Andrea’s workshops are informative and fun. As a former Reiki student, I can say that not only is Andrea is a phenomenal teacher, she is kind and patient. And her passion knows no bounds. I will recommend her services to everyone who needs a trustworthy and supportive healer and teacher.

Andrea is SO gifted.

Andrea is SO gifted. Anytime I am needing an energetic re-charge, she knows exactly what type of work is best for me. Her shamanic abilities are wonderful, her workshops are fun, enjoyable and I always learn so much from her. I consider her one of my mentors and I always enjoy time spent with her.

Roxanne Neri,
LMT Pennsylvania

Andrea Brock Healing

Roxanne Neri,
LMT Pennsylvania

Andrea is SO gifted. Anytime I am needing an energetic re-charge, she knows exactly what type of work is best for me. Her shamanic abilities are wonderful, her workshops are fun, enjoyable and I always learn so much from her. I consider her one of my mentors and I always enjoy time spent with her.

Andrea has assisted me through my spiritual journey.

Andrea has assisted me through my spiritual journey. When I first came to her, I was not in a great place mentally and after the first few sessions with her, everything started to fall back into place. Not once did Andrea try to persuade me into what I should or shouldn’t believe or think. She simply helped guide me back to the deep internal knowing I already held within myself. Her energy is pure and loving, I have never felt a moment of judgment in her presence. I not only gained a guiding soul to assist me in my journey, but I found a friend that I have shared many lifetimes. I fully recommend accepting Andrea to assist in your healing journey, it will be most positively life-changing.


Andrea Brock Healing


Andrea has assisted me through my spiritual journey. When I first came to her, I was not in a great place mentally and after the first few sessions with her, everything started to fall back into place. Not once did Andrea try to persuade me into what I should or shouldn’t believe or think. She simply helped guide me back to the deep internal knowing I already held within myself. Her energy is pure and loving, I have never felt a moment of judgment in her presence. I not only gained a guiding soul to assist me in my journey, but I found a friend that I have shared many lifetimes. I fully recommend accepting Andrea to assist in your healing journey, it will be most positively life-changing.

Freaking amazing!

I had an incredible interview yesterday! I noticed a HUGE difference in my subconscious thinking in that interview. Normally I would have been having so many negative thoughts about myself in that situation or even after and I didn't and I don't! I can see a huge difference already!!! Freaking amazing!! Thank you so much!!!! I feel more empty in a very good way, like more neutral. It's very refreshing and I don't want it to end!!!


Andrea Brock Healing


I had an incredible interview yesterday! I noticed a HUGE difference in my subconscious thinking in that interview. Normally I would have been having so many negative thoughts about myself in that situation or even after and I didn't and I don't! I can see a huge difference already!!! Freaking amazing!! Thank you so much!!!! I feel more empty in a very good way, like more neutral. It's very refreshing and I don't want it to end!!!

I didn’t go looking for Andrea

I didn't go looking for Andrea. It was as if the universe sent her to me... or rather as if the universe nudged several people to put me on the right path to find her. Funny how that sort of thing happens...and it's always an adventure when it does.

Several years ago a pain in my foot, mentioned to a co-worker, got me referred to Kim Ng at Kim's Healing Center. Kim took care of a variety of problems for me and my son over the years, and eventually I brought my sister to see her. She helped my sister as well, but told her she also needed help from Andrea, that she should go see Andrea as soon as possible. She was hesitant, so I told her I'd had some interest in going there but had never gotten around to it. I offered to go with her. It took three different people to nudge me before I finally got the hints about where the universe was trying to get me to go! (What can I say? I'm a little dense sometimes!)

Well, I'm a firm believer in following life's little clues to make sure I'm on the right track, so off I went to schedule an appointment. At the time, I was experiencing emotional issues that /just couldn't make sense of and it had been affecting my life (resulting in anxiety) for years. Since I didn't really know what Andrea did, I figured I'd mention this to her and see if this was something she could help me figure out. I went in with an open mind (as always), not knowing what to expect. (I didn't ask in advance because I didn't want to have any preconceived notions about what would happen.) So I was waiting to see what would come of this session. Wow, was it a surprise! It turned out the problem was unresolved issues with someone in a former lifetime who was also involved in my life this time around. Since I already believed in reincarnation, this wasn't a stretch for me to accept, even without any unusual experiences. But, for me anyway, it appears sessions on Andrea's table may never be "normal"! LOL (Don't get scared, keep reading...) How can I describe what happened on that first day? I was fully conscious and aware of where I was...lying on that table in that room, but my mind was also engaged on a different level and in a different lifetime. It was like I was reliving a very vivid memory that I know I hadn't experienced in this lifetime. I knew the person, but they didn't look the same as they do in this life (not even the same sex), yet I KNEW it was them. Without a doubt I experienced how they felt about me (then and now) and also how they killed me in that lifetime. Yes, you read that right, how they killed me.

Since I am curious about life on the other side, I tried my best to take that experience through the death point and beyond, but alas, the universe stopped me just at the point of almost-death. I guess I'm not ready to experience the rest of it yet. Sigh. Maybe some day.

I think for Andrea it was a pretty brutal session. She even wanted to stop because she felt she was causing me too much pain and it went against her heart as a healer, but I begged her to continue. I needed answers! I needed to make some sense out of this! Yes, my body was experiencing physical pain, but it wasn't as bad as it would have been in "real" life and I could handle it. My mind was racing, trying to absorb as much information as possible so I could resolve this once and for all. I knew I was onto something and WAS NOT getting off that table without answers. There was some really rapid-fire stuff going on. The exchange of information was unbelievable. Far more than you can get via conversation or watching a video. I can't explain it other than to say it was very multi-dimensional. Thankfully, Andrea was able to continue and we completed the session. I should have been exhausted (I suspect Andrea was pretty drained, but she never mentioned it). But I was not tired at all. I was high on life! LOL And starving...had to go to lunch right after. When I got off that table, I literally felt 10-15 lbs lighter...and almost like I was floating. The difference was immediate and tremendous. Not only was I able to resolve it and let go, but the other person (who had no idea what I'd gone through and still doesn't) began behaving differently toward me! The relationship improved and is no longer strained. My anxiety of the past several years was completely gone and has not returned.

I've since brought in friends and family members to meet with Andrea who have all had different experiences. I'm guessing that everyone experiences what is appropriate for them at that time, so it's different for each of us. It's even different for me each time I go. The only thing that's the same is that I always feel better, different, lighter when I get off that table. I have had other unusual experiences (none as dramatic as that one, but on a similar "perceptive" level), and I've had some rather mundane sessions where I didn't experience anything metaphysical. I've connected with/seen my guides and also deceased family members and pets. I've asked questions and gotten direct answers...Andrea's since explained to me that I'm psychic. I'm not the "Sylvia Browne" kind of psychic who has highly advanced skills. I don't seem to be able to actively direct it whenever/wherever I want, but things/people/experiences do come to me (I guess when the universe deems it's appropriate for me at the time). I never thought I was psychic, I thought this was normal and everyone had this ability! (Insert Homer Simpson DOH! moment.) Ever since then, Andrea always seems to open a conduit for me during her sessions, so the information is able to flow much more freely when she's working with me.

I will always be grateful to the universe and the people who led me down the path to Andrea and I will always be grateful to Andrea for the help she's given me over the years. Her work is simply amazing. Every time I feel that nudge from the universe, I head on over there for my next adventure...

Pennsylvania, USA

Andrea Brock Healing

Pennsylvania, USA

I didn't go looking for Andrea. It was as if the universe sent her to me... or rather as if the universe nudged several people to put me on the right path to find her. Funny how that sort of thing happens...and it's always an adventure when it does. Several years ago a pain in my foot, mentioned to a co-worker, got me referred to Kim Ng at Kim's Healing Center. Kim took care of a variety of problems for me and my son over the years, and eventually I brought my sister to see her. She helped my sister as well, but told her she also needed help from Andrea, that she should go see Andrea as soon as possible. She was hesitant, so I told her I'd had some interest in going there but had never gotten around to it. I offered to go with her. It took three different people to nudge me before I finally got the hints about where the universe was trying to get me to go! (What can I say? I'm a little dense sometimes!) Well, I'm a firm believer in following life's little clues to make sure I'm on the right track, so off I went to schedule an appointment. At the time, I was experiencing emotional issues that /just couldn't make sense of and it had been affecting my life (resulting in anxiety) for years. Since I didn't really know what Andrea did, I figured I'd mention this to her and see if this was something she could help me figure out. I went in with an open mind (as always), not knowing what to expect. (I didn't ask in advance because I didn't want to have any preconceived notions about what would happen.) So I was waiting to see what...
Andrea Brock Healing