From a young age, Andrea has always helped and cared for people, and loved to inspire, motivate and empower them. She discovered her own highly developed intuition very early in her life, and was aware of the ethereal, finding hidden meanings before they were revealed. Until she understood what was happening, Andrea was frustrated by the extreme feelings and moods she would experience. She later realized it was actually the feelings and moods of others that were affecting her as if they were her own. What at one time she considered difficult and unpleasant, she now accepted as a blessing that would provide tremendous insight.
Raised in a strict religious environment, the time came when Andrea broke free, becoming fully aware of its lack of inspiration and fulfillment on her life path.
After this difficult break, which meant radically changing her life, people who would assist her on her new journey began to appear. A pivotal meeting with White Star (Lino Alelyunas), led her to become Andrea’s primary teacher and mentor. A beautiful path of healing was opened up for Andrea and her true purpose was revealed.
Today Andrea is an internationally recognized Shamanic Healer, Certified Spiritual Healer, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Ordained Interfaith Minister, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® Practitioner, Access Bars® Practitioner, PSYCH-K® Facilitator, Intuitive Reader, Spiritual Counselor and Inspirational Speaker with her own heart-centered healing and educational practice. Through personal customized healing sessions, inspirational speaking and workshops her gifts and abilities are put to productive use to help others realize their full potential, find clarity and feel liberated.”