One hour session: $90
Spiritual Counseling
It’s your life and the style in which you live it is your choice!
Energetic Bodywork / Dialogue / Obstacle Clearing / Goal Setting & Coaching
Bodywork done while discussing issues you are facing and how you are feeling can be amazing. Combining energetic bodywork with intuitive readings, practical suggestions and common sense provides clarity, deeper insight and a lighter feeling. Energy patterns can be discovered and re-directed in order to guide you towards achieving your goals and creating the life you want.If you have tried traditional therapy and are not getting the results you desire, you may find adding this in conjunction may aid in your progress. You may find resolution to your issues more easily and effectively.If you have issues with your family and want to delve further into the reasons and want a safe environment to confront this, then you may want to try Family Constellation Healing.
These treatments are not a substitute for professional help from a doctor or licensed professional therapist.